Monday, June 28, 2010


True love is never blind, but rather brings an added light, an inner vision quick to find the beauties hid from common sight - phoebe Cary

There is no absolute truth

In the big auditorium,

Professor: Student, there is actually no absolute truth in this world

everybody was whoa-ing and there is one intelligent student standing voice out his view,

Student: Sir, that means you are not the absolute truth we relied on all this time?

I was laughing quite a bit loud in the middle of congregation when the preacher from Singapore shared this short story, wao, i was thinking at that moment many must be cheering that literally smart student...

Uhm, the professor can be right and wrong.. Do you believe that when you are eating rib-eye steak, the steak is made of purely the cow meat? you may say "well,ofcourse, it taste beef and expensive!" or when he/she said I love you, they really mean it? "yes,i can see it from his eyes"

human, initially is born with the principle of trust, human can choose to believe and dont believe it, easily to believe and hard to believe, whatever it is we are based with trust.. trust, a gift from God makes everything simple. When at the end our trust being abused, we also trust ourselves that we dont fall into it anymore. trust and trust...

trust the truth!
one and only truth, bible, the word of God. God bless you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hot Summer days!

FROM Sweet SANCHAI TO ROCKER HSU!she is a great actress!
if we can match couple with their look,both of them really look good together!C:

It has became my habit now that i will go to dvd hunting once a month,i will bought different type of Dvds.Drama or movie. 2 of Japan drama,2 of Korean drama,2 of Chinese drama,2 of western drama and the rest will be mix of movies from different region or genre (mostly about romance).
The Dvds will supply me a one month of entertainment as I am more to homey type of person and i heart watching,so i need dvds alot.

Recently,2 movie that caught my attention at the stand was Love else where and Hot Summer days. one i chose because i'm curious about the movie,it has no clear synopsis but has a friendly title plus nice chinese calligraphy. And as for Hot Summer days,i chose it because my fave stars are the cast of the movie such as Barbie hsu,Vivian Shu,Rene liu,Nicholas Tse,Daniel Wu and Angela Baby.And the title really suit the situation in Jakarta right now!

Both of the movie define urban fairy tale for young people who believe in true love but are too hip to admit it!They define love in so many ways through different characters,in a world that could only exist in the movies, still all these plots naturally connect with love.they both are pieces of romantic fluff that eschews reality for a whole lot of charm.and Both of the story also have enough light comic charm to carry it through its own tired set of melodrama clichés.

I'm proud to be Chinese!

Watch these and feel that you are not the only one suffering with tons of sweat in the hot summer days!Summer will be a really fun season!