Saturday, July 14, 2012

bob syndrome

I think i have dispersed short hair syndrome to my younger sister....she just cut her hair short today...hmm....Kanpei BOB CHICS!

Friday, July 13, 2012


AHA! never expected this will come into my life, teaching experiences! I am now embarking on teaching profession at English First, much to adjust, so much to learn, sometimes my brain feel more stupid and foolish than before because like Eldrige says "in the spider-web of facts, many a truth is strangled" (i have been absorbing so much disclosures).....
Hence,finally i can feel why my lecturers always said that they are not walking dictionary...yeah,we are not...still being a teacher your capacity of knowledge needs to be wider and you go deeper,you unlock more odds beyond the ain't easy but im enjoying my new experience though...the students i have met, the other teachers and co-workers.....they tend to shape me better bits by bits..

im looking forward to the challenges!God gives me wisdom and strength and pureness :]

Jesus bless teachers around the world!Amen....

Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every conceived notion, follow humbly wherever and whatever abysses nature leads, or you will learn nothing.  ~Thomas Huxley




Hisashiburi! (it has been a while Japanese version)

one thing extraordinary thing that i did to myself these months that hovered in a blink, i have my hair cut really super short.... it was a superb feeling! No contrite feeling of losing my long hair :D.. i'm comfortable with my this new bob hair. The same statement when i met my acquaintances were "are you having a heart broken?" cliche but no im absolutely feeling good!it's just that indeed my long hair had given me many problems, for instance:Hair Loss (scarier more than i thought it would be), i was freaked out if it's going to get worse so i cut it short and while receiving intensive treatments,i am also experimenting a new style. im thankful to my superb aunt for owning a salon business that i can save big penny to splurge on treatment and hair do all the time.

Some of my attitude changed after i cut my hair short, even my taste in clothing... i also walk differently sometimes...ah i think this supposedly what they normally called a breakthrough...hmm....

I'm gonna miss my long hair though, and i will wait for my hair to grow long...hopefully this time it's going to be in a healthier condition :]

Adios! Peace be upon you......