Friday, December 10, 2010

22nd level

the wind shook some blossoms from the trees
the heavy lilac-blooms with their clustering stars
moved to and fro in the languid air
a grasshopper began to chirrup by the wall
here she rest on the 22nd level,
fate had in store for her
exquisite joy and exquisite sorrows
swirl of stairs lay below
willing to catch her anytime
but it's too late for her to give up
to reach the top of the roof
so for now,let her indulge in her sleep
on the bed of love,lose her way
in the dream world,a sweet dream world

Saturday, November 13, 2010

One great Woman!

Bunda Titiek Puspa, she was diagnosed with cancer not long ago and on the stage she was a true performer with powerful voice,at her age,she is admirable!
 Nadine,puteri Indonesia 2010
 Cathy sharon
 Titi Kamal, she is very sweet!

 oh,i so want what's on Laura!
 Eca, her twin is called Eci, they are like the Olsens sister of Indonesia

 the stage
 Puteri Indonesia
Ilmira Usmanova,a model from Uzbekistan and married with Indonesian's actor, Teuku Zacky
oriental looks!

i was with the make up team for the Anne Avantie's 20th year show,it was quite an experience,meeting many new people and witness tiny part behind the scene of Indonesia celebrities but this time it's not about me,it's going to be all about her,bunda Anne and "Damai Negeriku" show.

I dont really know her very well before, all i know that she is a great designer who produces beautiful Kebaya gowns and dress.At that night,i was astonished by the theatrical fashion show she held,and at the same time i was glad that bunda Anne has beautiful personalities,she is humble and kind despite being a lime light on the stage and everywhere she goes, she is a true star and a wonderful inspirational woman.i think she is one of the "pahlawan"(warrior) Indonesia.The way she built her passion from scratch to where she is now was inspiring!The show showed us a big part about her and her contributions that made you feel "words cant describe,goosebumps all the way!" type of emotions.She brought Indonesia to another level and another thing i like from her is that she always praise God!

"ekor hanya mampu berada di belakang" (tails never be the head) - Anne Avantie

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jakarta food festival

The high and low living in Jakarta,art is everywhere!

Monday, November 1, 2010

ooh- a cave church?

This is the Coptic(Egyptian Christians) church at Egypt which build in the cave and hundred thousands of congregation attend the Sunday service every pastor went there and amazed at how Grande the church is..well,a place that i must visit one day! ~ God is Good all the time!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Good bye october 2010!

This is my first time showing out the details of my activities, this is from my portable journal!blame it on the crazy October schedules!time is flying like fighter jet!

31 Oct: oh Halloween!you gave me the ideas for our American culture project!merci~

30 Oct: A gridlock traffic!yup,yup i miss my poetry class!today is so not good!cranky!
30 Oct: Second strike ⓕⓞⓡ waking up late on Saturday morning class,sorry madam!you are great,not intentionally~
29 Oct: I need my bed and everything on my bed so much now that i am hiding from my activities,uh nice cover!
29 Oct: The simplest the grammar,the hardest it is...bonky bonk!
27 Oct: Under the same sky,they are on the emergency stake,frightened and full of prayers..make it all right Father,please. Pray for Indonesia!

26 Oct: She is more precious than rubies;nothing you desire can compare with her.. Prov 3:15 wisdom she ♥

24 Oct: As the roots stretch longer,the canopy will keep growing~overflow your L♥√ع

23 Oct: You yourselves are our letter,written on our hearts,known and read by everybody Cor 3:2
23 Oct: Susu kedelai and susu keledai,they have same alphabets and they embarrassed me..blea
23 Oct: I'm hungry and it's a poetry class now!oh anguish,be gone thee~

22 Oct: I feel what i have to feel from "after shock",one of the great movie!incredible!
21 Oct: A sweet revenge to the hot heat in the afternoon,it's pouring heavily outside the window now!
21 Oct: I can poach an egg in instant with this weather and an ice cream wont help,they'll melt in a blink!

20 Oct: You are a dancing queen,young and sweet and only 17~
19 Oct: Vampire drinks blood,I've been drinking syrup for cough and never been better ☹
19 Oct: Smiles and laughter are indeed contagious~
18 Oct: even the preview,goose bump was inevitable~the waiting is unbearable harry potter!

17 Oct: On e process of learning to use the holy sword correctly and acceptable from God~fight the bad!

15 Oct: Ah,bubble tea crave!wo yao bao bao cha!
15 Oct: Many a man claims to have unfailing love,but a faithful man who can find?-proverbs 20:6

14 Oct: God dwell in me as me,and when i turn off the noise in my life,i hear Him~i love you God
14 Oct: I was drowned in e rain,full suit!daebak!

14 Oct: The sky is so dark that e night fall much earlier than it should be~i♥bi
14 Oct: "Whoever said that money doesn't buy happiness didn't know where to shop"- Blair
14 Oct: Saya suka vampire diaries!it will be so good that the sources of class project are from the episodes..wise dream~
13 Oct: ibake tuna pizza,overload with cheese but taste great!

10 Oct: I'm really mad at e super freaking slow i-net service!it's not 101010 times of blessings but 101010 times slower!even mac cant help much!GG!
10 Oct: Finally a big MAC after dont know how many years ☺

10 Oct: The bride today loves purple,so today purple rocks!~i ♥ purple too!
9 Oct: Thanks to e blackout,I finally get to see e wondrous of my glow in e dark puzzle!I ♥ it!but blackout is still a BLACKOUT ‎​​​grrrrrr
9 Oct: Average will thought you'd use your internal connection to e top,ignore them cos you've done the best!goes for you Puteri Indonesia!
08 Oct: OH so SICK!I need your wings (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
07 Oct: 천사=ANGEL

6 Oct: Losing anti body,even the slightest wind can blow me off ☹
6 Oct: If nothing was changed that means the answer is still the same,LOSE - Chen Zhen
6 Oct: Let us keep silent for now,let only the heart talks,because our heart tell the most honest thing from us ♥♥♥
6 Oct: A day with only 30% of energy,no mood to do anythig even reading ☹

5 Oct: Plagiarism is fatal!!!
5 Oct: Talked to my ex writing lecturer earlier,I realised that I prefer to talk to them(the lecturers) in bahasa cos sounds awkward in english
5 Oct: I'm so sleepy that I can sleep for a thousand years~hoamm

4 Oct:A great quality time with family Kong and happy cheesy birthday to my sister poppy,I want you to be happy all the time!
4 Oct: Chili crab with padang sauce at bandar jakarta is so spicy and delicious!although I can't stand the hotness of e chili..yummy!☺
3 Oct: Only one king,on heaven and on earth carry the crown full of thorn,He is Jesus Christ,my king!

2 Oct: Attend the politic's wedding,I'm a perfect stranger~
2 Oct: Oh mo...the thunderbolt is really bolt just now!my heart is beating with no rythm ☹
2 Oct: A robot with the heart of lion,astor boy fever~

2 Oct: I got machine guns in my butt,haha..I love astro boy!superb!
2 Oct: I was laughing at the bieber hoax,not because of the video but my sister who believe the video is real...LMAO

1 Oct: It started with one late evening,when I noticed one piece 54 sat on e dining table,now I'm addicted to it!thank u ko lung for the 55th♥
1 Oct: Jesus: Let the little children come to me, & do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these - Mark 10:14
1 Oct: Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3),happy children day!
1 Oct: Jambu jambu,lime green jambu,freshly from it's tree!so nice~ thank you ie ahlian!
1 Oct: Octopus october!i love calamari»»»
1 Oct: Many women do noble things,but you surpass them all proverb 31:29

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moon oh moon

Happy lantern festival! Or happy Mid-autumn festival! but i still prefer the greeting "Happy Mooncake festival" because the only vibe i received is the mooncake...the moon is not big and round tonight like the predicted moon of every mid-autumn...cos it was hazed by the heavy rain and no kids playing lantern,again because of the heavy rain outside the house.

You can only sip a cup of warm tea on your comfy couch and enjoy the traditional mooncake, yet i dont really fancy the traditional brown mooncake..i prefer the snowskin type and ofcourse Haagen Daz's! i missed the Haagen Daz's mooncake!! i couldnt find it here or i didnt try harder...whatever it is this September has many happy occasions and celebrations!it's fun playing in the rain,but dont stay too long and get sick!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

and the cycle is back....

And yea....
A long Holiday is no more,do i even have it long out of the 3 months break?at this age,when you have a school break,you work!no chance to be a lazy bum when i always think of my bed,blanket and bolster......

Especially tomorrow,even it still 10 hours away,i already dread about more i love monday because half of my day is taken by grammar class!ouch...what a great start eh?! and.... cliche has been transferred to another class..yea,in college you no more can find "besties" but at least they are the people i am comfortable hanging with and i'm gonna miss them more than not meeting them for the term break!...

And for my tomorrow and future days,this (in all your ways acknowledge Him,and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6) going to accompany me always!

And there is so many September Babies!!!Happy birthday to you all!!

"I pray that the Lord
will bless you . . .
as long as you live." Psalm 128:5

September purple

Why September purple when most of the days filled with rain?
because every color i choose now is purple....
my new phone,my new towel,my new shirt,my new watch,my new pencil box,my new jeans and eye shadow for my make up box (for my clients).
Basically i'm not a person who biased with colour because i love all colour!but ultimately i love white,pink,black,red,lime green and now purple...

In this town,purple always define widowed,as they say widowed love purple but hey...not only "dont judge the book by it's cover" but also dont judge the book by it's colour!

I choose the right purple though : it's called a royal purple, In medieval Europe, blue dyes were rare and expensive, so only the most wealthy or the aristocracy could afford to wear them. (The working class wore mainly green and brown) Because of this (and also because Tyrian purple had gone out of use in western Europe after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476), Europeans' idea of purple shifted towards this more bluish purple known as royal purple because of its similarity to the royal blue worn by the aristocracy. This was the shade of purple worn by kings in medieval Europe
And from what i Google,Purple in wikipedia,that in the French academic system, the five traditional fields of study (Arts, Science, Medicine, Law and Divinity) are each symbolized by a distinctive color, which appears in the academic dress of the people who graduated in this field. Purple (usually a hue close to Royal Purple) is the distinctive color for Divinity.

"womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender." Alice Walker the author of The Color Purple

So much in purple eh?i'm lovin it!!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

haru haru ~~~

Yeah, Finally I realize that I am nothing without you
I was so wrong, forgive me
My broken heart like a wave
My shaken heart like a wind
My heart vanished like smoke
It can't be removed like a tattoo
I sigh deeply as if a ground is going to cave in
Only dusts are piled up in my mind
Yeah, I thought I wouldn't be able to live even one day without you
But somehow I managed to live on (longer) than I thought
You don't answer anything as I cry out "I miss you"
I hope for a vain expectation but now it's useless
What is it about that person next to you, did he make you cry?
Dear can you even see me, did you forget completely?
I am worried, I feel anxiety because I can't get close nor try to talk to you
I spend long nights by myself, erasing my thoughts a thousand times
Don't look back and leave
Don't find me again and live (on)
Because I have no regrets from loving you, take only the good memories
I can bear it in some way
I can stand in some way
You should be happy if you are like this
I become dull day by day
Oh girl I cry, cry
You're my all, say goodbye

If we pass by each other on the street
Act like you didn't see me and go the way you were walking to
If you keep thinking about our past memories
I might go look for you secretly
Always be happy with him, (so) I won't ever get a different mind
Even smallest regret won't be left out ever
Please live well as if I should feel jealous
You should always be like that bright sky, like that white cloud
Yes, you should always smile like that as if nothing happened

I hope your heart feels relieved
Please forget about me and live (on)
Those tears will dry completely
As time passes by
It would've hurt less if we didn't meet at all
Hope you will bury our promise of being together forever baby
I pray for you
Oh girl I cry, cry
You're my all, say goodbye, bye
Oh my love don't lie, lie
You're my heart, say goodbye

Haru-haru,big bang! FOR YOU!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

i heart her

My dad used to get me a glass of water when i'm sad or thirsty,so sometimes when i'm sad i thought i'm just thirsty..rachel berry (Glee)

RI you rock!

wake up in pyjamas and stay awake in pyjamas until this afternoon,it's not that i was out nationalisme mood but i just feel happy for being free to do whatever i want to do today!like 65 years ago RI was being free from the long years of colonisation.

i've been living here as a grown up me for almost 2 years now and remember those days in a foreign country, i always feel amused. There is once when i heard from my teacher that i dont have to put my hand on my left chest to do morning assembly pledge, i was glad so glad that i'm proud to be out of place among the rest of them. and every 17 Aug, i will skip school with own hand signed letters or buy a medical letter with other Indonesian students in my school,my friends from China,Malaysia or Thailand will also joined us. We will go ice skate,movie,karaoke and neoprints.Sounds naughty?yea,i'm a rebel but no regret because it's the school fun you wouldnt want to miss in life.Besides i have a clean record no matter how naughty i was, lucky is the word.

further back, i got to spend my chilhood in Medan where i always asked to participate in the competitions such as the rope pulling race, hopping in sack and eating cracker was my favourite. I remembered that i won the second place for cracker eating and bring home the prize to my mum, so happy but was soon emotionally demolished by mum because of her saying " You joined in the cracker eating competition? when you get cough i will scold you even worse!" ...*sob*...that's my mum..

yea, every Indonesian have to recall back then how Soekarno fought the enemy and won Indonesia with glory until we can be today Indonesian and future Indonesian. The recent bad bad bad impact on Indonesia has no match at all, we are growing stronger!

Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil, live as servants of God
1 Peter 2:16

God bless Indonesia!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010



  • Title: タンブリング
  • Title (English): Tumbling
  • Tagline: 新体操が、オレ達をオトコにした / Shintaiso ga, oretachi o otoko ni shita
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Sports drama
  • Episodes: 11
  • Theme Song: Manazashi by Honey L Days


Azuma Wataru, a third-year student at Karasumori High School, is a devil who strikes fear in the hearts of people. One day, Azuma is told by his form teacher that he has to participate in a club activity in order to make up for the lack of second-year students. The short-tempered Azuma cannot last long in whatever he does. At that moment, he learns that Satonaka Mari, the beautiful transfer student in his class, has joined the female rhythmic sports gymnastics club. He joins the male rhythmic sports gymnastics club, a club activity with very few people under the captain, Takenaka Yuta. They are ridiculed by the coach of the female rhythmic sports gymnastics club, and others, and are also hardly allowed to use the gym. However, when a sixth boy joins the club, Yuta decides to take part in a team competition with his long-sought six members …

well,well,well i've been crazily in love with this drama,no amount of words can help me describe how fondly i felt for this drama,it's super extremely awesome drama!

it's not a typical drama between boy and girl love story but this drama is about a bond of friendship between the guys,every episode i watched was moved to tear.

droplets of friendship,love,passion and hope. droplets of crystal,pure and rare.i dont feel nauseated when i see them crying,i was moved.

and each of the guy in the drama is so interesting especially when they do the TUMBLING together,WAA,awesomeness!

From the first second, this drama draws us into the world of Tumbling and the youth gangster in Japan. All of the main characters are important and all of them are strong in their own ways. my special is of course the hard core wataru, the good guy yuta and handsome ryosuke.

fresh and delicious i would say. you want more and more that it becomes your favourite!

P.S: the eyebrow of Japanese guy is clean cut and nicely shape, maybe even better than the ladies. they are so cool!


july blackness is over

Isshasiburi! yup, i had a last month of "running away to the endless track of entertainment" to fill colour for my black,black and black days. July was not really a friendly month.
After my term,we had 3 months full of holiday, and so i spend most of time in salon, catching up my Hair Do skills..that was why i mentioned earlier,black days..Everyday i have to face black hair and arrange it into something flourish!haha...speaking of the truth,i'm trying hard to be passionate about doing hair do and i still feel empty somehow.. i follow the formula and i did it good but the energy is still perfect is still imperfect...

there and then, i found couple of really interesting books, dramas and songs to make my days and here is the list....they are really really good...

1. i went to this bookstore at puri and there is a big sign of 50% discount at the import books,i quickly went to the section and was so happy that i found 2 interesting books. The last time we met by Anita Shreve and Beyond the blond by
Kathleen Flynn-Hui. beyond the blond coincidencely is about salon life and how i envy the salon life in the book!so envy! but my salon and salon in the book have some similar truth which i agree that i nod when i read the book.

2.Okeee,never get bored swimming in the korean wave, i watched a really double double hilarious but also a touchy drama called One mom and three dad, a 2008 drama!DOUBLE Awesome!it was something to anticipate everyday until the last episode of the drama! i also watched Sophie's revenge which i met a different ZHang ZI Yi. and nobuta wa produce..yamapi kawaiinee~~~.. all old drama,but i think it's the right time to watch them and they are good. lack of english movies,which i spare it for this month!

3. i'm learning to sing french song, correctly and first song is Lamer by Charles trenet, a very short lyric but twisting your toungue is envitable. maybe slowly i can speak french,haha. and in love with shayne ward for his songs!my booster in salon!

Thy gone July, and August,yea,my two days of early August i already spend it well with HaoPengYu! sunday with Lolla, we went to church together and i felt that as though i met her just last Sunday (now with her self-cut short hair) as we always did in Singapore for every Sunday school and Sunday morning service at Hyatt. the feeling never fade,now i know. And monday,i met rahma and dian in the afternoon,singing to fullest!i dont have a beautiful voice but i have a rocker voice!i can shout crazy!haha...Rey is good singer!like her voice! at monday night, i met jenita and the others for dinner at kembang goela. well,spending with them was a great dessert for today!

haha,i was wondering what is going to happen with the rest of the weeks in August,looking on the bright side,a good start is always promising!August is going to be a great month!


Monday, June 28, 2010


True love is never blind, but rather brings an added light, an inner vision quick to find the beauties hid from common sight - phoebe Cary

There is no absolute truth

In the big auditorium,

Professor: Student, there is actually no absolute truth in this world

everybody was whoa-ing and there is one intelligent student standing voice out his view,

Student: Sir, that means you are not the absolute truth we relied on all this time?

I was laughing quite a bit loud in the middle of congregation when the preacher from Singapore shared this short story, wao, i was thinking at that moment many must be cheering that literally smart student...

Uhm, the professor can be right and wrong.. Do you believe that when you are eating rib-eye steak, the steak is made of purely the cow meat? you may say "well,ofcourse, it taste beef and expensive!" or when he/she said I love you, they really mean it? "yes,i can see it from his eyes"

human, initially is born with the principle of trust, human can choose to believe and dont believe it, easily to believe and hard to believe, whatever it is we are based with trust.. trust, a gift from God makes everything simple. When at the end our trust being abused, we also trust ourselves that we dont fall into it anymore. trust and trust...

trust the truth!
one and only truth, bible, the word of God. God bless you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hot Summer days!

FROM Sweet SANCHAI TO ROCKER HSU!she is a great actress!
if we can match couple with their look,both of them really look good together!C:

It has became my habit now that i will go to dvd hunting once a month,i will bought different type of Dvds.Drama or movie. 2 of Japan drama,2 of Korean drama,2 of Chinese drama,2 of western drama and the rest will be mix of movies from different region or genre (mostly about romance).
The Dvds will supply me a one month of entertainment as I am more to homey type of person and i heart watching,so i need dvds alot.

Recently,2 movie that caught my attention at the stand was Love else where and Hot Summer days. one i chose because i'm curious about the movie,it has no clear synopsis but has a friendly title plus nice chinese calligraphy. And as for Hot Summer days,i chose it because my fave stars are the cast of the movie such as Barbie hsu,Vivian Shu,Rene liu,Nicholas Tse,Daniel Wu and Angela Baby.And the title really suit the situation in Jakarta right now!

Both of the movie define urban fairy tale for young people who believe in true love but are too hip to admit it!They define love in so many ways through different characters,in a world that could only exist in the movies, still all these plots naturally connect with love.they both are pieces of romantic fluff that eschews reality for a whole lot of charm.and Both of the story also have enough light comic charm to carry it through its own tired set of melodrama clichés.

I'm proud to be Chinese!

Watch these and feel that you are not the only one suffering with tons of sweat in the hot summer days!Summer will be a really fun season!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

little sneak of the trio

I was stucked in the cold studio for 3 days to do this fashion catalogue photoshoot for a client...i'm not the was my brother,robby...i was so called the "fashion stylist"...
i have to mix and match 180 differrent design and colour..and luckily,at least my sense is not lost..

the 3 models that worked with us were still schooling..there's one called Dominique ivonne who came directly from her school,still wearing her school uniform and immediately she able to transform herself into a pro model.Agatha,she gave letter to the school for her absence.And the oldest model,Juliana,she is doing her college thesis,graduating soon.

Each of them have different character when they were infront of the photographer and the camera.Every side of them looks perfect behind the lenses,every angle,every pose they make,they looked gorgeous all the time.....however,this is not like cotton candy you buy on the street,you put the stick in the machine turn it around and you'll get a big,fluffy pink cute candy.
From what i knew from them,they attend modeling school,has taken many pictures to know their best angle and learn many tricks to pose nicely and self-narcissist.being a model is not easy,great body and pretty face is not the only condition.Good mental and physic is also important.

it's fun hanging around with them..they are enviable but only for a few second :P because they were so friendly.Glamour can be friendly!

behind the shadow

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

out of the box facts

DO YOU KNOW? 1930s,women at Bermuda were banned to show their thigh in public,they were desperately want to wear short that they lengthen their pant to the knee..voila.."Bermuda shorts" were created.

2.Coco Chanel ever stayed in Ritz hotel for 30 years

3.Aztec tribe believed that the sun died every night and need the human blood to rise again the next day therefore they sacrificed 15000 people every year to calm the God sun,huitzilopochtli.Most of his victims were the war prisoner. SO NOT HEALTHY!

4.Human have to mine 100 pound of the earth crush to get a block of jewel that needed to be polished again to become one carat of diamond

5.Venus the only planet that revolves around the clock the young age,Barack Obama used to work at Baskin-Robbins ice cream stall and now he cant stand ice cream..

6.Justin Bieber is claustrophobic

7.kangaroo can survive months without water,when they need water,they will dig until they can find the source of water

8.all the cats scared of water?this statement isnt actually right!the truth is,big cats like tiger and lion enjoy swimming or play in the water.Some home cats in fact like to watch the water drop from the tap for hours.

9.Panda spends 16 hours to eat wonder there is no skinny panda.

10.In Taiwan,a company invent eating utensils from wheat so you can eat your plate!

11.the top consumer of Coca Cola in the world is Islandia.

12. 40% profit of McDonalds is from the sell of Happy Meal.

13. Pearls melt in vinegar.

14.the most expensive soccer coach in the world is Jose Mourinho (Inter Milan Coach) fortune of 11.7 millions pound

15.the first goal in world cup happened on the 13 July 1930 at Pocitos Stadium,Uruguay,on the 19 minute.

16.fart is from old english word "feortan" which means to break wind.

17.Americans consumed 45.4 kg of chocolate per second.

18.Sudan (a country in northeastern Africa) has more pyramid than egypt

19.Gadsby,a novel written by Ernest Vincent Wright contains 50000 word without even an alphabet E in it.

20.Yuri Gagarin,the first man that ever flew to the outer space in 1961,he died 7 years later because of the air plane Ironic!

resource: Go girl mag May 2010

What an influential magazine..i like it!full of interesting informations!

Monday, May 3, 2010

beautiful interruption!

in the midst of stacking notes,i turn my back and run away!

these people has entertained me..and i'm fully fueled up!...2 more killing paper!

Arigato RIHITO!
Arigato SUNAKO!
Arigato MEI!
Arigato KYOHEI!

i've also received some ideas from them for my end of term project,for the book that i have to write...So many ideas of conflict,suspense,plot,character and theme...but i still cant figure out the beginning of the whole story because i clearly know once the initial paragraph is there,the rest will flow i need to have a good sheet of papers still thick and blank..i even bought a new pen to add the image of a good writer.yet...yet....writing a book is not easy,whether it has thousand pages or merely 100 pages. No wonder good book is expensive!

I prefer to be the reader,not the author...


what a tempting sweet escape!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

o'ye spring!

this is my second piece of Jigging sawing! i love this! the setting that i really yearn to be at...

It Might as Well Be Spring

(1945) richard rodgers, oscar hammerstein ii

The things I used to like, I don’t like any more,
I want a lot of other things I’ve never had before,
It’s just like my mamma says, I sit around and mourn
Pretending that I am so wonderful and knowing I’m adored

I’m as restless as a willow in a windstorm,
I’m as jumpy as a puppet on a string,
I’d say that I had spring fever,
But I know it isn’t spring.

I’m as starry eyed and gravely discontented,
Like a nightingale without a song to sing.
Oh, why should I have spring fever,
When it isn’t even spring?

I keep wishing I were somewhere else,
Walking down a strange new street,
Hearing words I have never never heard,
From a man I’ve yet to meet.

I’m as busy as a spider spinning daydreams,
I’m as giddy as a baby on a swing,
I haven’t seen a crocus or a rosebud,
Or a robin or a bluebird on the wing,
But I feel so gay in a melancholy way,
That it might as well be spring,
It might as well be, might as well be,
It might as well be spring.

MId test crisis people!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

waiting for the sun

Faith was a true mystery,I would wake up in the morning and could see everything lined up before me,i would know that if i took a certain action,i could count on a predicted outcome.Any fears and doubts would be assuaged by my knowledge of God's love..

on the contrary.......

On the bad days,i felt as if i were standing in the thick fog,i couldnt see where i'd come and i definitely couldnt see where i was going..whatever lay around the bend might hurt me or the people i loved most.The demons could be lying in wait-they almost certainly were..

Today...finally tonight...and tonight finally tomorrow...the sun is waiting...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

real street is intimidating!

tonight is my first ride of a manual motorbike to the crowded street..with only little knowledge of riding motorbike,i dare myself to ride the bike with Poppy to buy dinner..Quite risky I admit but sooner or later i have to ride on the real street one day,it's so crazy especially here in Jakarta.When riding around the housing estates is fun and free but when you face the big street,it feel so OUCH..i feel like a baby learning to walk and suddenly there is a big adult walking infront of me. I feel so timid and nervous is not a question!

when we reached home,it feels like a good finish line and a good relief..

Poppy says:it's like a free roller coaster ride that she prefers to pay the real one..hahaaaaa....


laviva medan

10 years we lost contact!and i miss her!she's still the same old santi!

i have michael,mei mei,mei ping,and ping ken the little dude who melts your heart

A lady called Beckham

Santi and Pin,a happy couple!

my Medan family preparing stuffs,the graves at Medan really grand!i think the higher their status,the grand their grave,even my grandpa have eel pond..eek..

i just came back from a short visit to Medan after 3 to 4 years of absence from there..and this is my first short visit...normally,i will stay for one to two weeks even a month..this time only 4 full i eat durian till i drop..haha...back to jakarta,i was totally drop to my bed..bad cough,lost of voice,and sneeze nonstop.this visit,they call it as CHENG BENG (yearly visit to grave yard),since i have few days off class so i delightedly accept the tixies..

I dont think mainly because of durian,i think because of the extremely hot weather when visiting the graves. it's like a tour,you know,grave after grave..heat after heat..
anyway my family who have a strong belief in their Buddhist religion finally understand me for being a Christian. I kneel down and gives my respect with a flower bouquet,honestly this is my first time. yea..slowly..they will join Jesus army.Amen.

So back to Medan,I reunited with my childhood bestfriend who is now married happily to a humurous man and Santi is a very good host,both of her husband and she bring me to the new theme park at brastagi called hillpark[enemy of MiKi holiday]...As i only have one day to spend at brastagi and Miki opens at 3 pm,i couldnt try the new crazy ride at Miki.The ride almost the same as the Tornado ride in Dufan.anyway Merci San,Pin.
Santi's family is very close to my family,and to hear that her family is all great and well,i am so happy.

At Medan,i also have close contacts with the young children,i feel like i was at the kindergarten,they brought me to their own little world and i almost drunk in it,i'm trying to learn their baby language..they are all very adorable to the fullness.

another truth i gained alot and nelayan's durian pancake is really good!
oh,another horse ride!this time is more challenging and rough!phew!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Goodbye Alice in the wonderland

It's four in the afternoon
I'm on a flight leaving L.A.
Trying to think about my life
My youth scattered along the highway

Hotel rooms and headlights
I've made a living with a song
Guitar as my companion
Wanting desperately to belong

Fame is filled with spoiled children
We grow fat on fantasy
I guess that's why I'm leaving
I crave reality

So goodbye Alice in Wonderland
Goodbye yellow brick road
There is a difference between dreaming and pretending
I did not find paradise
It was only a reflection of my lonely mind wanting
What's been missing in my life

I'm embarassed to say the rest is a rock and roll cliche
I hit the bottom when I reached the top
But I never knew it was you who was breaking my heart
I thought you had to love me
But you did not

Yes a heart can hallucinate
If it's completely starved for love
It can even turn monsters into
Angels from above

You forged my love just like a weapon
And you turned it against me like a knife
You broke my last heartstring
You opened up my eyes

So goodbye Alice in Wonderland
Goodbye yellow brick road
There is a difference between dreaming and pretending
That was not love in your eyes
It was only a reflection of my lonely mind searching
what was missing in my life

Growing up is not an absence of dreaming
It's being able to understand the difference between the ones you can hold
And the ones that you've been sold
And Dreaming is a good thing cause it brings new things to life
But pretending is an ending that perpetuates a lie
Forgetting what you are
Seeing for what you've been told

Ohh truth is stranger than fiction
This is my chance to get it right
And life is much better without all of those pretty lies

Ohh So Goodbye Alice in Wonderland
And you can keep your yellow brick road
There is a difference between dreaming and pretending
These are not tears in my eyes
They are only a reflection of my lonely mind finding
They are only a reflection of my lonely mind finding
I found what's missing in my life


Wednesday, March 17, 2010


1000 pieces is an easy task when you do with somebody,it can be really fun and you forget the time.

back then,when i was younger,my mum used to get me jigsaw puzzles...mostly disney characters...and when there is one missing puzzle,you wouldnt want to know how bad i've cried.Since then, i will not do my puzzle or carrying it around to another place from where i initially do the puzzle.i will stuck at the same place until the final piece.

Now as i'm getting older,jigsaw puzzle is still part of my favourite has alot of meaning..

When connect puzzle with my life and's quite similar...I know at the end of the days,my home will be where God is,there are roads to go through to reach the sacred home..the road of misery,hardship,courage,bliss,happiness and temptation.Giving up is as easy as drinking water but because the love of God,giving up is trash and foolish.Puzzle is also the same thing,sometimes when you get a piece to put together with the other pieces,it fits nicely but at the other time it fits no where that you need to change to a different piece.the unknown piece will be revealed at the end of the day,and you will feel great about it.

I am both worried of my life and when doing puzzle,afraid that the nightmares of losing a piece of the puzzle will come back again.
slowly,worries fade.....
the full picture is there,the happy ending is written,you just have to be more patient.

i'm still learning to be patient...without it...nothing will be accomplished.