Sunday, October 31, 2010

Good bye october 2010!

This is my first time showing out the details of my activities, this is from my portable journal!blame it on the crazy October schedules!time is flying like fighter jet!

31 Oct: oh Halloween!you gave me the ideas for our American culture project!merci~

30 Oct: A gridlock traffic!yup,yup i miss my poetry class!today is so not good!cranky!
30 Oct: Second strike ⓕⓞⓡ waking up late on Saturday morning class,sorry madam!you are great,not intentionally~
29 Oct: I need my bed and everything on my bed so much now that i am hiding from my activities,uh nice cover!
29 Oct: The simplest the grammar,the hardest it is...bonky bonk!
27 Oct: Under the same sky,they are on the emergency stake,frightened and full of prayers..make it all right Father,please. Pray for Indonesia!

26 Oct: She is more precious than rubies;nothing you desire can compare with her.. Prov 3:15 wisdom she ♥

24 Oct: As the roots stretch longer,the canopy will keep growing~overflow your L♥√ع

23 Oct: You yourselves are our letter,written on our hearts,known and read by everybody Cor 3:2
23 Oct: Susu kedelai and susu keledai,they have same alphabets and they embarrassed me..blea
23 Oct: I'm hungry and it's a poetry class now!oh anguish,be gone thee~

22 Oct: I feel what i have to feel from "after shock",one of the great movie!incredible!
21 Oct: A sweet revenge to the hot heat in the afternoon,it's pouring heavily outside the window now!
21 Oct: I can poach an egg in instant with this weather and an ice cream wont help,they'll melt in a blink!

20 Oct: You are a dancing queen,young and sweet and only 17~
19 Oct: Vampire drinks blood,I've been drinking syrup for cough and never been better ☹
19 Oct: Smiles and laughter are indeed contagious~
18 Oct: even the preview,goose bump was inevitable~the waiting is unbearable harry potter!

17 Oct: On e process of learning to use the holy sword correctly and acceptable from God~fight the bad!

15 Oct: Ah,bubble tea crave!wo yao bao bao cha!
15 Oct: Many a man claims to have unfailing love,but a faithful man who can find?-proverbs 20:6

14 Oct: God dwell in me as me,and when i turn off the noise in my life,i hear Him~i love you God
14 Oct: I was drowned in e rain,full suit!daebak!

14 Oct: The sky is so dark that e night fall much earlier than it should be~i♥bi
14 Oct: "Whoever said that money doesn't buy happiness didn't know where to shop"- Blair
14 Oct: Saya suka vampire diaries!it will be so good that the sources of class project are from the episodes..wise dream~
13 Oct: ibake tuna pizza,overload with cheese but taste great!

10 Oct: I'm really mad at e super freaking slow i-net service!it's not 101010 times of blessings but 101010 times slower!even mac cant help much!GG!
10 Oct: Finally a big MAC after dont know how many years ☺

10 Oct: The bride today loves purple,so today purple rocks!~i ♥ purple too!
9 Oct: Thanks to e blackout,I finally get to see e wondrous of my glow in e dark puzzle!I ♥ it!but blackout is still a BLACKOUT ‎​​​grrrrrr
9 Oct: Average will thought you'd use your internal connection to e top,ignore them cos you've done the best!goes for you Puteri Indonesia!
08 Oct: OH so SICK!I need your wings (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
07 Oct: 천사=ANGEL

6 Oct: Losing anti body,even the slightest wind can blow me off ☹
6 Oct: If nothing was changed that means the answer is still the same,LOSE - Chen Zhen
6 Oct: Let us keep silent for now,let only the heart talks,because our heart tell the most honest thing from us ♥♥♥
6 Oct: A day with only 30% of energy,no mood to do anythig even reading ☹

5 Oct: Plagiarism is fatal!!!
5 Oct: Talked to my ex writing lecturer earlier,I realised that I prefer to talk to them(the lecturers) in bahasa cos sounds awkward in english
5 Oct: I'm so sleepy that I can sleep for a thousand years~hoamm

4 Oct:A great quality time with family Kong and happy cheesy birthday to my sister poppy,I want you to be happy all the time!
4 Oct: Chili crab with padang sauce at bandar jakarta is so spicy and delicious!although I can't stand the hotness of e chili..yummy!☺
3 Oct: Only one king,on heaven and on earth carry the crown full of thorn,He is Jesus Christ,my king!

2 Oct: Attend the politic's wedding,I'm a perfect stranger~
2 Oct: Oh mo...the thunderbolt is really bolt just now!my heart is beating with no rythm ☹
2 Oct: A robot with the heart of lion,astor boy fever~

2 Oct: I got machine guns in my butt,haha..I love astro boy!superb!
2 Oct: I was laughing at the bieber hoax,not because of the video but my sister who believe the video is real...LMAO

1 Oct: It started with one late evening,when I noticed one piece 54 sat on e dining table,now I'm addicted to it!thank u ko lung for the 55th♥
1 Oct: Jesus: Let the little children come to me, & do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these - Mark 10:14
1 Oct: Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3),happy children day!
1 Oct: Jambu jambu,lime green jambu,freshly from it's tree!so nice~ thank you ie ahlian!
1 Oct: Octopus october!i love calamari»»»
1 Oct: Many women do noble things,but you surpass them all proverb 31:29