Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Revenge is sweet

nobody really tell me about my youngest childhood,all i have is vague memory of i've discovered my past.

Though the era has changed,people move on and change.Everything is change.Nothing can cover the past with clean work because you forget,others remember.

This afternoon,my aunt told me a story about me.maybe to motivate me or just to remind me that i have to achieve better than my aunt and my mum.

when i was two years old,I have a very high fever that almost cause my tiny pair of eyes to blind.My dad and my mum doesnt care that they need to spend big sums finding me the best doctor,thus,some of relative from my paternal side were jealous of me.I wonder why?i'm still a baby that yet to see the world.

i'm my dad and my mum's precious jewel..That's what my aunt has told me.

But the look of others to me were full of jealousy.

Daddy in heaven has given me a great chance to see this beautiful world until today.He didnot forsaken my parents hope.

That's not all,i found out many sad stories behind my childhood happy picture.Then i thought of favourite line of my friend:revenge is sweet which I would want to give to those aloof and ungrateful relatives.

But..........i dont know why,I dont hate them.Maybe i will if i never get the chance to know Jesus.My heavenly daddy has given me a new blood that full of love,full of passion,full of hope,full of forgiveness.full of Jesus's blood.The blood controls my whole being.

forget the the past to move on,forget the past and feel the present,forget the past and plan for the future,people are always saying them but today i think differently because sometimes the past make you stronger in the present.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Gargantuan Orange

A Wretched mood I had for these while,feel that the time is eating me and i'm too difficult that i cant move to another organ smoothly.a long break?I wouldnt even dare to think about it.see,time consuming!ugh.

I just need crazy roller coaster rides.i wouldnt mind many rounds.


I've got something really better than anything i expect of.

On the way to Puri today,for ACE session,the time when the sun is brushing it's teeth before it sleep.That brushing teeth period is really captivating.

I saw a really gargantuan orange clear sun,surrounded by the pink purple was so awesome that it caused me blink-blink for a while.hehehe...
another amazing thing is,let me shout this out:it's here!JAKARTA,my birth town!

a wonder that God has created.To please me and ease has lose many points creating roller coaster!:P though i still want to ride on!hiya!

The bad thing is i left my camera and phone at home.and we are on the road that no reliable cellphone i can use to capture this gigantic sun. reminds me of Takeshi in Accuracy of death,he is so much wish to see the sunny sky and he never thought he is able to see the end of the movie,he seen it.

Whereas i'm here,never knew that the sun can go beyond the sunset beauty until today.

Friday, March 6, 2009

address to Young

Hey young,

This is for you...Finally...

Nothing to hide,You once a popular character in my life.until now,i bet.

The last time i met you,fragments of our memory rushing back to me.

I must admit,i miss those days.

I dont want to turn back and i dont want to fall in the same cycle again because i know you too much and i know who you needed the most.

But at times,I'm melting.

You indeed have your ways of doing those eccentric thing that pull me back to you.

Still,i'm not her anymore.

i'am now,just your little friend that wish you all things good.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

05 March baby!

Special attention to Elisa Leo Santoso,Omedetou Tanjoubi onesan!

You are my beautiful model,
You are my alibi to escape from daily schedule for a day
You are my resistant cup that i'm able to pour my hot or cold tea

My prayer for you,i wish it in my heart.

I love you.

*now i'm really irritate with blogger image uploader or i shall blame the connection*