Monday, July 25, 2011

bridal makeover

This is some of my clients...some of my works ^^

i used to have an aversion on doing this job,this line,because i feel this job is really onerous!literally.....every person has their different flaws to cover and we need to find out their glowing sides to bring out their best.Especially when it is for studio shoot...each details on the facial portrayal and hair need to be overlook carefully.i had my moment of tension but thanks to God,i was given the confidence and strength to keep going despite the critics and pressure of doing it perfectly.

I also realised one thing when im doing this job,i observed it many times that whoever the lady is,whether she is naturally a beautiful person,has a mediocre look or a so-so person... they are eventually turn out to become the most beautiful woman,or a very beautiful lady after bride makeover. i believe is not only through the works of a make-up artist but because all creation of God is indeed amazingly created.furthermore,they are going to be a happy bride as they are those the lucky ones to be able to meet with their destined partner.

anyway,my aunt is really super duper pro make up artist, and i look up upon her...she can change anyone to be at their best,whether the groom or the bride.In the mean time as i work progressively,i also work on the improvements and i will work really hard for the perfection!

if those living in Jakarta,feel free to check out our bridal!
LOUIS BRIDAL [office contact: 021 6333649]