Sunday, April 27, 2008

This is my comfort zone

Maharani Pratiwi Sabarina Aprillin blowing her 21st Durian cake
We can be as wide as the ocean to stretch out for others
We can also be as close as the fur to keep each other warm

Today, I spent my night with Pretty Crab family. Yesterday, I spent my night with my own family, my comfort zone.

Both night were to celebrate the special day of the lead character who has passed their juvenile years and becoming real adults.

But they were both from different society and i knew both of them.

We went to Botanical Garden to celebrate my Lin's birthday.

i can be as free as the bird,
i can be as cheeky as the monkey,
i can be as loud as the bear,
and i can be as naughty as the terrier.

This is why i felt so blessed, my comfort zone, a beautiful present from the God.