Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Facing the giant

living in Singapore although alone,my life is easy but being here at Jakarta,i was slapped awake to the reality and i concluded that it's very scary,at least for me..

The challenge is begin.

My Giant is myself,my weakness of having too many choice.

this is the time for me to grow,to choose and to be responsible of what i've chosen.

to learn to promise that i wont regret it.

I'm still glad after i've chosen it,many interesting mystery of this place is open to me.I'm starting to love this place and excited to wait for many more unlock treasure :]

You see,being a God's child,even you go to a most deserted place,you wont be afraid because you are yourself the light.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Post birthday appreciation

my night with my princesses

one wet night,four of the foursome [Lolla,Jenita,Rachel and myself] had a blast together for that almost 5 hours.
I missed Rachel and she is now with her new chic haircut,she blew me away :P

we did what the girlfriend does,though it's just a short one,from my part;i really enjoyed it.
To have 'click and we are a great' girlfriends is not easy.

The rules for girlfriends: i'm just kidding!

Yes,because we doesnt need that.We are different,obviously.We are all from God's kingdom.

So yesterday night was an awesome night.

We had our dinner at all time favourite Kentucky and although we had movie to catch in less than 10 minutes,being us...we wont miss the snapshots in the Big Box called neoprint.

and so on our way to our big screen,heh,we discuss our problem to make the picture bigger by using a midi called scanner,we need someone who has it...that is the disadvantage taking picture in the box,you'll receive tiny print.and the problem carried till we've finished watching the movie.

our big screen; Nick and Norah's infinite playlist,it's a hilarious movie with some controversial though but that is fine,because that's not the point from the movie.It's also my first time watching with my love Lolla.she quite a HOO-HAA..hehe...it was great!

and our night ended up with eating DONUT.nobody hates it in our clique!heh.

anyway,thank you for the teddy&flower lolla,i feel like i'm your spouse!hope Kuya dont mind!

My...My...My...i cant get away smiling thinking of them.

P.s:my night still continue with Jenita,doesnt we baby?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Graduate last Saturday


why am i feeling real sad?
I should be happy that i've reached my 6 months target working at breadtalk,i survived well.Shouldnt I?Hey!it's myself i'm talking about!
But..i've grown there,that is the problem.it has became a sentimental value.

everywhere there is a door,people pull and push,close and open.and the door has become a tool for people to come and go.

colleagues that i met initially at breadtalk,all of them went to another place though we knew just for awhile but that is fine,i'm feeling normal.after they went,the new colleagues who came,these people who is the one i spent my long hours with until the very last hour im at centrepoint breadtalk.I'm going to miss them very much.
Time is the machine to grow value.

I learnt alot from there.they are also the place to make me grow closer to being a God's child.
My patient is being test,my anger is being test,my humbleness being test and my wisdom is being used.
They are also the ones who i keep trying to show that being a child of God is really a great thing!
In return,they know I love Jesus and Jesus loves me.They respect us.

I also learnt bits of managing a business,customer needs,production and skills.

I also learnt breads,breads and breads!many type of breads!

but one important thing that i've learnt,is to accept a person in any condition they are from.To love them whoever they are,like Jesus loves me whoever I am.

Thank you for the opportunity Lord.

little mission

He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God--children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only [Son], who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:10-14 TNIV

a little secret wish from the heart
i want those,to worship and dance for Him too.

I've decided

Being a being
never have enough of anything
something different,something new....
always searching and trying....
Being a being
As a curious man I'am myself,
i dont want to miss a single thing..
most of the thing that this world gave....

Just last night,in the car filled with songs that dedicated to You.
i wish i can say that is the best moment
because it's when i realised I found my comfort back...
I choose not to leave You anymore.

Being a Being
when i've found my comfort corner,i'll keep still.
Doesnt care what the world says and do
no more searching and trying
because i clearly know..
i care what the Heaven says.

You are the place.
My God.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The owner turns 20

The one who borns on the tail of the year,like mine...is really amazing..i used to grump,why i have to wait for 12 months to be 17 or even 21 [the Adult ticket] but now....i feel really really blessed that i was born on 9 December,feel young is great!

Let me have this chance to do ice breaking for the numerical 20 and to give thanks to each every one around me!

Thank you my FAB for sweet sweet surprise....

Thank you bradellites for the prezzie!:]

Thank you my centrepoint breadtalk peeps for the gifts and teddy bear!

Thank you zen and dina and the guys for doorstep surprise!

Thank you my friends around the world for precious wishes!

A big Thank You for my Daddy in heaven,for them to be in my life.
For Jesus in my life.
For each and everything that I have now.
For that,today i still have the chance to give thanks.
Only You.Thank you.

For the past 19 years.....my childhood,my teenhood...
