Tuesday, December 16, 2008

my night with my princesses

one wet night,four of the foursome [Lolla,Jenita,Rachel and myself] had a blast together for that almost 5 hours.
I missed Rachel and she is now with her new chic haircut,she blew me away :P

we did what the girlfriend does,though it's just a short one,from my part;i really enjoyed it.
To have 'click and we are a great' girlfriends is not easy.

The rules for girlfriends: i'm just kidding!

Yes,because we doesnt need that.We are different,obviously.We are all from God's kingdom.

So yesterday night was an awesome night.

We had our dinner at all time favourite Kentucky and although we had movie to catch in less than 10 minutes,being us...we wont miss the snapshots in the Big Box called neoprint.

and so on our way to our big screen,heh,we discuss our problem to make the picture bigger by using a midi called scanner,we need someone who has it...that is the disadvantage taking picture in the box,you'll receive tiny print.and the problem carried till we've finished watching the movie.

our big screen; Nick and Norah's infinite playlist,it's a hilarious movie with some controversial though but that is fine,because that's not the point from the movie.It's also my first time watching with my love Lolla.she quite a HOO-HAA..hehe...it was great!

and our night ended up with eating DONUT.nobody hates it in our clique!heh.

anyway,thank you for the teddy&flower lolla,i feel like i'm your spouse!hope Kuya dont mind!

My...My...My...i cant get away smiling thinking of them.

P.s:my night still continue with Jenita,doesnt we baby?