Saturday, June 28, 2008

I missed it

Really feel that i have so little time now because somehow after working as a baker,i have missed alot of few stuff.Seems like,I couldnt catch up with alot of things.
When I dismissed from work,all i need is a rest,peace of mind,lying on the sofa,watching my favourite shows in television.
Firstly,Kids bible camp meeting.My apology to Ko Riky and Ce Rita that I couldnt be there to join in the prayer plus meeting and also Lolla,It's been hard on you,that you have to prepare the game by yourself.and How is your days lately,I also missed it.
Missed spending more time with Jenita before she go back for a long period to Jakarta.
Missed catching up with Zen before she go back to Batam for holiday.
Missed,really miss having fun with Elvia before she fly to Canada for further her study.Now I have to wait for long months.I even missed saying farewell to her.
I'm glad i still managed to go to Fa after work,Sunday school on Sunday,Outing with my Fa on Sunday.
Sunday is the only total-free day I have now.
I cant wait to be a Big Boss!