Sunday, June 15, 2008

I've been tagged

Rules : Each blogger start with ten random facts or habit about themselves . Blogger that had been tagged to do have to post out 10 random facts/habits about themselves . At the end of it , blogger have to tag ten people to do the quiz .

1.Normally,I eat Durian with Rice..Sedaaaaaaaap!
2.Ever fell into parit[drain] when i was a kid because i was having a terrible headache,my mum scrubbed me all the way from top to toe with super duper big brush.ouch.grosteque and painful.
3.dropped out from tuition class when i was in primary school at Medan because i was really mischievous
4.always save the egg for the last one to eat especially when eating Indomie Rebus.I'm an egg lover.
5.I hate fish but i love to eat fishball,Ikan bakar and fish & chip. I'm abit picky for seafood.
6.when i go back to Indo for holiday,I will eat gorengan everyday.Cheap and yummy.
7.I can eat 3 bowl of rice at one time.rice make you hungry sometimes
8.I saw my father eat worms before.they say it's his medication.
9,i drank 5 shots and drunk.
10.I bite candies.
