Thursday, May 22, 2008

What makes you an idol?

I was having idol fever..the very first time,i never miss any of American Idol seasons,I sat nicely infront of the rectangle box everyweek and became the histerical fan,pause,not to that extent yet.haha. I survived through the end of the season,like Devi like David...hehehe...Indeed,my judgement didnot fail me this time.David Cook won the title.he deserved it,though everybody predicted that the little David is the one but...... :]

What makes you an idol?
Basically,the first of all,an idol must have physical attractiveness.Handsome and pretty and handsome and pretty. Simple as that.though i find it relative.
this is why come the second one,character: People person.hahaha...lovable,out-going and funny.
the third one will be the achievements and talents.

As long as you have one of that,you have what it takes to be an idol.The plus-plus point will be all those above.

Myself?frankly, I'm an idol too.
My fans?No. I only need one fan.
Jesus Christ is my fan,sounds amusing?
let me elaborate:
As for those who knows me,I'm not a top model,i'm not a top student in school,i cant really play an instrument,and I'm just an average sunday school teacher but I have one fan who knows me more than myself,who will supports me till the end,who will never leave me for another person,who is not plin-plan(read;when He has choosen me,He chosed me),He never stop giving presents to me. I'm better than those idols you find anywhere and for those of you the Son and Daughter of my Daddy. Aren't you glad? because you are an Idol too.