Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Letter to my Daddy

Dear Daddy,

I just came back from work today,i felt so irritated and lethargic.This new job that I will talk to You before I go to sleep every night,asking blessings from You when i'm working,for the strength,for the people around me,for the duties that I was given so i can do it fine,basically everything unfortunately sometimes things not going to be in your way.
Today,I felt that i couldn't take it anymore.It's early,I know.Is this just a setback Daddy?which i can overcome easily when You are with me?
Never give up,encouraging phrase that i received all the time and I always wanted to hold on to the phrase but Daddy,You know,until today i've given up so many things.Maybe because i follow my heart too much or i was defeated by my circumstances.Proudly,most of the time,I thought it's a message from you to tell me that You've already prepare a beautiful plan infront of me hence I shall move on.
If You reply to my this letter Daddy,and You tell me not to give up.I wont Daddy because I love you.

your precious